I just moved 2.34 cubic metres of stuff, mostly books, into the London house from an enormous freight truck. The stuff had been riding on the ocean for a couple of weeks, and its arrival makes me feel so much less divided, wrapping up two years of trans-Altantic commuting. Home is where your stuff is, I guess. I don’t know how much I’ll unpack though – in a few weeks I start at the OII and after viewing every property on the market, I finally found a flat I’ll share during the week with new colleague/old friend Bernie Hogan. At least the commute is getting shorter . . .
But before the Montreal phase of my life wraps up, there’s one more loose end (or is it a milestone?):
Doctoral Thesis Defence
Name: Alison Powell
Title: Co-productions of Technology, Culture and Policy in North American’s Community Wireless Networking Movement
Date: Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Time: 2:00 pm
Room: H – 760 (SGW)
Examining Committee:
TBA, Chair
Dr. L. Shade (Communication Studies), Supervisor
Dr. B. Simon (Sociology & Anthropology)
Dr. K. Sawchuk (Communication Studies)
Dr. P-L. Harvey (Communication, UQAM)
External Examiner:
Dr. Martin Hand
Department of Sociology
Queen’s University
All are welcome to attend